Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I need to stop being such a dynamo in the sack

Bryce threw out his back yesterday. We're not even sure how, just months of overuse and under-appreciation. I like to joke that I broke him. Yeah, I'm just that good.

Anyway, today we went back to the chiropractor to look at the x-rays they took yesterday when we (ok, me) basically begged them to see Bryce even though they were pretty much closed. Looks like he has 2 pinched nerves in his mid-back. Yikes. I guess that explains him writhing in pain most of the night last night.

The best part is all of the good meds his doctor called in for us - a veritable slew of muscle relaxants and anti-inflamitories and pain killers.

I got the impression that the pharmacist thinks I have a prescription drug problem. Whatever. Screw her for judging me. Besides my husband is fricking adorable when he's trying desperately to keep his eyes open for one more episode of Family Guy while he's higher than a fucking kite.

Also, I only have to work until 10:00 am tomorrow. Things are looking up.


Alton Hubbard said...
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Alton Hubbard said...

Hey, its Otis... Listen, I hate to bother you but did you ever give me back a confederacy of dunces and atonement? can you send them to me? let me know and i will text you my address. thanks, c. hope you are well...

Alton Hubbard said...

regarding the title... actually, no... what you need to do is continue to be a dynamo in the sack and start writing in your blog after...

Dana said...

soapy t said...

hello. did you throw out more than back? where are you?

Anonymous said...

Alright - you made it 7 days in BlogEveryFreakingDay Month. Now it's been 6 weeks since you wrote anything. Why are we paying you the big bucks to blog?